am usually a little kid when it comes to thinking about Christmas. All the
beautiful sparkling lights, listening to Christmas music and shopping for
presents. Oh it’s just so magical. The one thing that would make my Christmas
perfect, is to spend it in the big apple. If there’s one place in the world
that really makes Christmas feel like Christmas, it’s New York and nothing
would be more magical than spending Christmas in the mad busy city of NYE. Ohh
a girl can dream. But for now, until that happens, it’s time to reflect on my
favourite time of year and list a few of my favourite things.
Following on from the
Christmas Jumper Edit for us gals, I thought it would only be fair to do it for
the misters too. I must admit, sourcing a Christmas Jumper for a bloke is
pretty damn hard, but I have been able to find a variety of jumpers that I hope
would suit everyone. Shout out to my husband for giving me a small hand with
this (and for being the type of person who would probably wear most of these
I love winter. But I don’t love how my skin gets in winter. When the frosty cold air nips at our noses, cheeks and lips it’s a dry skinned girls worst nightmare. My skin, especially the tips of my nose and my lips get extremely dry, and they often peel. Which is not a good look. Even Queen B couldn’t pull that off.
“Santa Baby, slip a sable under the tree, for me”
I love Christmas. I love picking special presents for loved ones, spending time carefully wrapping the presents and seeing their reactions when they open them. And I definitely prefer giving presents rather than receiving them. Mainly because I am a little socially awkward when it comes to the gift opening or gift exchange, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like receiving presents and I don’t have a wish list of my own. Because I do. A pretty big wish list in fact.
The world of social media went crazy when Essena O’Neill decided to “quit” social media after building a crazy number of followers and creating an Instagram page that many girls, - including myself – lusted over. If you haven’t read the story, Essena basically says how she appears happy but her life is controlled by social media and her following that she has now became unhappy. She confesses about how much time was spent into getting that perfect Instagram shot, and also mentioned how she had been paid $400 to feature a photo of a dress on Instagram by companies and advertisers, her aim was to explain the “behind the scenes” of these posts. Companies and advertisers will, of course, pay a lot of money for anyone with a large following to feature their products or brand, because let’s face it they would be stupid not to use a large audience to try and make money. Its called marketing. And it’s clever marketing. But Essena said this eventually made her miserable, and in a 20 minute long video she explained how as a young teen she became obsessed with wanting to build followers on Instagram and social media because she thought it would make her feel more liked.
Another truth, I too would love a large following on the world of social media. Not to get paid lots of money by companies wanting me to advertise their teeth whitening products but because I really love my blog and I’d feel pretty darn good knowing that so many people enjoy my little rambles on the web. I have around 4,000 people follow me over my social media links and you know what, I feel pretty darn good about that. I thoroughly enjoy my blog and I love that people come back to read it. I still get so excited when I receive a notification to say that a new person is following my blog – I really do love it – and I am grateful to every single one of my followers, but why do we all want more?
I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t want more followers, and that’s not me being greedy but it’s just me wanting to get myself known in the world. I know so many amazingly talented bloggers that have been able to quit their jobs and blog full time, and I applaud you. Because not only did that take years of dedication and hard work, but you are brave to quit a job for something you are passionate about and I know that you work bloody hard at what you do. And I’d love that too. I would love to be able to quit my job and work on my blog as a career. I’d love the exciting lifestyle at not knowing what was around the corner and just embrace every opportunity.
And it’s okay that I can’t and it’s also okay if some bloggers don’t even want that type of career. (Hayley from Tea Party Beauty wrote a great post on that here) But that doesn’t stop those that do – myself included – being jealous of all these amazing people who have worked hard and have just been able to do everything that you’ve dreamt of. I have often felt extremely jealous of those girls that I follow (okay, stalk) on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and even Bloglovin’ and wonder whether I too could be like them.
And the answer is yes, anyone can be who you want to be. You just need to stop trying to be someone else (giving advice to myself here) and just do what makes you happy. Eat what you want to eat. Work out if you want to work out. Wear what you want to wear. You don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on designer things to be a fashion blogger, and you don’t need to have every single beauty product under the sun to be a beauty blogger. You just need to find your niche and be you, write about what you want and don’t write about things you don’t want to. And just be happy with the fact that you are not Chiara Ferragni and you are just not cut out for world domination. Yet.
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*Image sourced from Pinterest |
Now I know that the usual posts that I have seen around this topic are giving your 16 year old self advice. But I was leaving school then and I didn’t stay on to do my A-Levels and I went straight into college and working. Reflecting on it now, it was a bad choice and I have to live with that. But it makes me think about the reasons I made the choices I did after 16, and when thinking about it, it stemmed from the choices I had started making around 13. So, my advice is to my arrogant, cocky and stupid 13 year old self and the many years after. Here goes.
Weddings are so strict with rules and traditions these days that so much of our time planning our dream wedding goes onto those traditions and rules that you don’t really want. At the end of the day, its your wedding so do what makes you happy and if it means scrapping a few traditions then so be it. But, there are also some rules that you don’t technically need to follow nowadays. After all, we are in the 21st Century. Who cares that the Bride’s parents don’t pay for the wedding.
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Source: Pinterst |
So as you've probably guessed (if you're still following me after my spam of wedding posts) that it's official. WE ARE MARRIED! Yes that's right, exactly one month today on the 23rd October 2015 my lovely fiancé became my lovely husband.
Halloween and Bonfire night is officially over which means one thing, it's time for Starbucks Red Cups and Lush's Christmas collection. Every year, I say that I am going to pick up the new collection of bath products and every year I end up leaving it so late that some either sell out or I just completely forget. Bad blogger I know. But this year, I just happened to be in my local town centre the weekend that the Lush Christmas collection had been release - horray to me - as this means that I managed to get my hands on a few goodies from this years range. Happy Charlotte.
A lot of people suffer from anxiety, and it’s quite a common subject in the blogger world. It always has and it probably always will. In no way, shape or form am I doubting that anyone who has the confidence to share their story of mental illness. But it’s quite sad that we live in a world where bloggers - who open up their lives to the world and tell their story with the hope of helping at least one person – gets judged for sharing that post. I think it’s disgusting how people assume bloggers (or anyone else for that matter) is lying or “making up stories” about having a mental illness. Any form of mental illness should not be judged, ignored or laughed at. Regardless of whether you can physically see it, it’s happening inside. It's happening inside my mind and it's happening in many other people's minds. Many of you will not know what it’s like to suffer from anxiety, how it affects an individual and what it feels like. And being honest, I am jealous of you. I would love to be able to just feel okay. I'd love to be able to not over think things or get worked up over the littlest things. I'd love to stop scaring myself and letting my inner feelings overpower me to the point that I am breaking down in tears. I'd love just to be okay and feel normal. It’s true when they say that you can never judge a book by its cover as you never know what people are experiencing on the inside, and I consider myself to be a prime example of that.
I hold my hands up and admit that I have been rather naughty recently and have slowly put on a lot of the weight that I have lost. Albeit I am not as heavy as I was but I am not happy with this weight gain and I am not happy in myself. I know that having PCOS and Endometriosis means that it’s a lot harder for me to lose weight - you can read my experience with PCOS and Endo here – but if I am honest, I think that I have hid behind that as an excuse to hide what’s really been going on. I have been feeling really crappy in myself, not only do I suffer from anxiety but I have also been extremely stressed with planning my wedding abroad as well as a few other little things that I haven’t been myself. I haven’t felt happy or motivated to do a lot of things and when I get home from work, all I’ve done is just sit in my pj’s and stream Netflix or watch telly with my now husband.
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Photo taken by Charlotte Elizabeth | Location: Javea, Spain |
Yes I know holidays are that time that you save up to go crazy and enjoy yourself, without worrying about how much things cost or how much you are drinking and eating in my case. Whenever I go on holiday, I like to plan to make sure that I don’t have any nasty surprises (and by surprises I mean charges on my credit card or phone bill) and that I have enough to enjoy myself whilst still being a little savvy. But, what if I told you that you can still eat out every night, drink all day every day and explore said countries, but save a little dollar at the same time? Ahh I’ve got you interested now.
Planning a wedding is hard. Possibly one of the most stressful, time consuming and mind boggling things ever. It’s even worse planning a wedding abroad, especially on your own - as let’s face it, Grooms are useless - but as I have a personality like Monica Gellar I absolutely loved the experience (ish) which is why I wanted to share with you the tricks of the trade and a few tips which I hope will help planning a wedding abroad (or even in the UK).
I don't know about you, but I am a sucker for a magazine freebie. I usually always have a browse to see if there are any magazines with good freebies that I can pick up. It's usually Nails Inc nail polishes that are floating about in almost every fashion magazine which is great for me as the polishes are usually about £8 each - winning! For a while, the freebies in magazines have been a bit poo but I think this month has to be one of my most favourite months for magazine freebies as they include three great high-end brands and three great products. Woohoo!
I am being a little lazy as I will be doing the reviews in a separate post as I mainly just wanted to share this with you all - being the lovely person that I am - so you can all go and purchase before they all sell out.
There are so many “wedding traditions” nowadays, I bet you don’t actually know what the history or meanings are of some traditions. The most familiar tradition you’d have heard is the Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue and a Lucky Sixpence in her shoe. Albeit most forget the sixpence element but it’s still the same. According to The Knot, this tradition is relating to an old English rhyme about objects for the bride to include in her wedding outfit or carry on her big day as good luck charms. Usually these tokens are given from your mother, sister or other relatives. Although its usually the maid of honour’s job to arrange this for you, it’s much more common now for brides to just get these themselves. If you are looking for ideas for a family member, friend or even yourself then look no further as I have a few ideas for you to hopefully suit every bride.
Planning a wedding abroad is rapidly becoming the ‘in thing’ with newlyweds nowadays, not only are you more likely (okay more or less guaranteed) to have nicer weather but the overall wedding costs are a lot cheaper. Well for the Bride and Groom anyway. Win! Usually, when choosing to get married abroad you would have already had a location in mind. This maybe your favourite holiday destination, somewhere that is connected to you personally or you may have family and friends there. Some of the favourite destinations (or the ones that I see pop up the most) are Spain, Italy, Santorini, Cyprus or the French Provence. Wherever you decide , the most important thing is make sure it’s exactly how you want it and you do your research!
Whether you are going on a weekend away, travelling with work or stopping at your friends for a cosy sleepover you are going to need an overnight bag filled with your essentials to help make your stay more comfortable. I am a complete worrier when it comes to stopping somewhere, what if I don’t pack the right things, or what happens if I forget something? So I decided to share with you a list that I follow when packing an overnight bag.
Too Faced is a brand that knows how to have fun, yet still produces high quality (cruelty free might I add) make-up, that's inspired a love of Paris, and oozes ultimate glamour and femininity. Too Face has grown into a key player within the beauty industry, creating an innovative, cruelty free cosmetic brand.
I was first lusting after Too Faced's Better than Sex mascara after seeing it in a beauty subscription box a few years ago, and after trying it, I just knew that I had found the one. Unlike other mascara brushes, Better than Sex has an hour-glass shaped brush which is the perfect silhouette to separate, coat and curls each lash, while giving extra attention to adding volume in the corners of your eyes. The brush handle is heavier than the rest of mascara, and if I'm honest, I'm unsure why, but the added weight works - and I like it.
The formula contains collagen, to help stretch and define your lashes, to create a full eye catching look, in just one coat. And, if desired, adding a second coat will create a more dramatic look, with super long, thick, black lashes. Now for the most important part of the review, the removal. I admit, I could be absolutely head over heels in love with a mascara, but if it's a nightmare to remove, then I just won't use it again.
The first thing I do when I get home from work, is remove all my make-up so I'm ready to curl up on the sofa and relax for the evening. So the last thing I want is to spend half my evening trying to remove my panda eyes. But you'll be pleased to know this is an absolute delight to remove, using plain old miccelar water. Just don't take notice of this review if you're wearing the waterproof version as I haven't tried it for myself.
The price is also surprising at £19.00, as for a mascara of this quality, I assumed the price tag would be over £25.00. Hand on heart though, I don't have a bad word to say about this mascara, and I couldn't even fault it if I tried. Despite me having a smutty chuckle when people ask what mascara I'm wearing, this really is amazing, and is Better than Sex.
I was first lusting after Too Faced's Better than Sex mascara after seeing it in a beauty subscription box a few years ago, and after trying it, I just knew that I had found the one. Unlike other mascara brushes, Better than Sex has an hour-glass shaped brush which is the perfect silhouette to separate, coat and curls each lash, while giving extra attention to adding volume in the corners of your eyes. The brush handle is heavier than the rest of mascara, and if I'm honest, I'm unsure why, but the added weight works - and I like it.
The formula contains collagen, to help stretch and define your lashes, to create a full eye catching look, in just one coat. And, if desired, adding a second coat will create a more dramatic look, with super long, thick, black lashes. Now for the most important part of the review, the removal. I admit, I could be absolutely head over heels in love with a mascara, but if it's a nightmare to remove, then I just won't use it again.
The first thing I do when I get home from work, is remove all my make-up so I'm ready to curl up on the sofa and relax for the evening. So the last thing I want is to spend half my evening trying to remove my panda eyes. But you'll be pleased to know this is an absolute delight to remove, using plain old miccelar water. Just don't take notice of this review if you're wearing the waterproof version as I haven't tried it for myself.
The price is also surprising at £19.00, as for a mascara of this quality, I assumed the price tag would be over £25.00. Hand on heart though, I don't have a bad word to say about this mascara, and I couldn't even fault it if I tried. Despite me having a smutty chuckle when people ask what mascara I'm wearing, this really is amazing, and is Better than Sex.
If this was 5 years ago, I would have not in the position to write anything about saving money never mind giving you tips about it. But a lot has changed, and I’d like to think that in these past 5 years I have come really far and have learnt the basics of adulthood. Especially in terms of money. Oh sweet, sweet money!
I was somewhat of a shopaholic back then – okay I probably am still now – and I wouldn’t think twice about going out every other day shopping, eating out and partying at the weekends. Now I am a little more savvy, I mean I have a mortgage, I am self-studying towards a degree and I am also planning and paying for my own wedding (which it ain’t cheap) but don’t worry, being savvy doesn’t mean you miss out on having a social life, it hasn’t for me, so I have noted a few tips for you that help me save whilst still having a social life. Woohoo!
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Image Source: Pinterest |
If you have followed my Living with PCOS series then you will know that I have been awaiting my results of my operation. Well this happened, on the 1st October. And if I am honest I don’t really know how to feel about the results. This post is probably going to sound like a huge waffle as I am just going to write my thoughts, but let’s go with it and see what happens.
So yesterday was a complete emotional roller-coaster, not only was I going to try on my wedding dress for the penultimate time before it’s finished being made but I also finally picked up my results following my laparoscopy – that was in June might I add, really NHS? – anyway, so I went to meet with the gynecology surgeon that completed my operation to see whats going on with my lady organs and hopefully I can go back to not having the worst pains ever when its that time of the month and having a normal sex life with my soon to be (very soon) husband.
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Okay so I admit, this post might be a little “late” in some eyes seems Summer is well and truly over but there may be a few of you who are still planning a late Autumn break to escape the cold, wet British weather by jetting off to somewhere nice and hot. Likewise, I am off on my jollies - and to get married – within next couple weeks, so I thought I would help by sharing with you my pre-holiday beauty preparation.
I am sat here, struggling to find the words to write or even title this post. I don’t want to be judged, pitied or people to think I am selfish if I don’t say the right words or address this issue in the correct manner. Truth of the matter is, there is no easy way to write my feelings down and there is no way to address this issue without potentially upsetting someone – probably myself – but I am going to give this a go.
My Dresser: Link |
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Image: Pinterest |
I often get people (even friends) take the “mickey” out of my blog. Some people think writing about whatever you want in your spare time, somewhere on the web is daft. And it may well be, but it’s my choice and I’d much rather be sharing my thoughts on my little space on the web than socialising with negative people. Ain’t nobody got time for dat!
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Location: Javea, Spain // Photo Taken by: Bonny at Bonny's Wonderland |
I love going to weddings. They are such joyful celebrations and a darn good excuse to get dressed up and sozzled. Whenever I get invited to a wedding, I instantly feel grateful and overwhelmed that someone really wants me to be part of their special day. Because it is, their day. It’s so exciting looking into what to wear, how to do your hair and if the venue is at a location away from home then it’s even more exciting arranging a trip away.
We live in the heart of England, and we have attended weddings local to us, a little further away in Wales and we are even going to one in Greece next year. However much I love the overall excitement of attending a wedding, those pesky little minions in the back of your head start whispering – not so sweet – nothings in your ear about money. Money, money, money, money. All in all, I have never thought about how much attending a wedding actually costs. From planning your ‘oh so amazing’ outfit, to travel to the venue, gifts, drinks, hotels and that’s just for a UK wedding.
Heels, such a wonderful creation to make your legs longer and you feel amazing. But they hurt. I often find, the more expensive the shoes, the more they hurt. Weird, as you’d think they would be more comfortable, I mean what are you paying all that money for? Truth is, however much I love my oh so pretty Louboutin’s, I very much hate them! (Honestly, if you're a size 3 and want to buy them, message me!) They are like devil shoes, they just hurt your feet too much so they just spend most of their time in a box. More recently, I have found a few tricks that help me wear my CL’s a lot more than I do, and has helped me wear them through the night (albeit, still not all night).
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Image Source: Pinterest |
So in my last post, I was waiting for my referral for a Laparoscopy. However this came around preeettttyyyy quickly as on 12th June I received a letter advising that I was needed to attend a pre-operation assessment on 16th June and I would then be having my operation on the 24th June - eeekk I was so scared now!
I know I may sound like a HUGE wimp right now, but I really was so nervous. I mean, I hadn't had an operation since I was 11 and I have possibly THE worst threshold ever. So, as you do, I took my mum with me to the pre-operation assessment to make sure everything was all hunky-dory before I had my operation.
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Photo Credit: Pinterest |
We all love a good bargain. We wouldn’t be human (nor British – if you’re British that is) if we didn’t. But how far are you willing to go to grab a bargain? Would you willingly use a beauty product this is clearly fake without knowing what it’s made of? Would you use a fake beauty product if you knew it could have serious health effects both internally and on the skin? The answer should be - a million times - NO.
I really wanted to write this post after seeing many people buying or selling fake beauty products. It’s just not good for you and it’s not worth your money. So, I knowingly purchased a fake MAC Lipstick in Lady Danger from eBay for less than £5. I purchased this for the purpose of this blog, to be able to compare the fake product to the genuine product which I already own. (Please note, I will not be physically using this product as this was only purchased for the purpose of this post. I also, do not recommend that anyone willingly purchase a fake beauty product.)
According to Interpol “profits made from counterfeit beauty products and goods are used to fund large crime organisations involved in drugs, smuggling and terrorism”, by purchasing these goods not only are you supporting these organisations but you are also damaging your body. Fake make-up has one benefit to the buyer, and one only - you are getting the product cheaper (usually at least a 50% reduction to the retail price). But in comparison to the cocktail of harmful ingredients including lead, copper, mercury, arsenic and cadmium (which is extremely dangerous), and the affect it has on your skin or even worse, the permanent damage it could cause to both your body and your brain*. Is it really worth it? No! Honey, you are worth so much more than a fake beauty product.
Counterfeit products may not only contain carcinogenic ingredients that are banned from being used in cosmetics, but they are also not being made in a sterile environment. According to an newspaper article online, dermatologists are now reporting a rise in the number of women with skin conditions such as long term acne, skin swelling to more serious skin conditions such as psoriasis. They may also trigger skin rashes, infections, or other conditions such as lead poisoning which can affect major organs and can have long term effects on the heart, kidneys and nervous system. Excessive levels of these chemicals have side effects could be serious long term affects including high blood pressure, fertility problems, memory and concentration problems and if you are pregnant there is an increased risk to harm the foetus*.
There are so many fakes out there, it can be confusing to know which ones are genuine and which ones are the fakes. Many known brands including MAC, Lancôme, Dior, Bobbi Brown, Urban Decay, Max Factor, Bare Minerals, Estee Lauder and Benefit are the most “popular” fakes available. So to help you spot a fake and know when to buy or when to avoid, I have included a few tips below.
- Only buy from a known retailer and/or licensed seller. Beauty brands e.g. MAC will display their certified stockists on their website so you know where to check.
- Avoid buying beauty products from eBay, Amazon, Depop or even Facebook and Twitter. Yes someone might be selling their genuine product but you can never be too sure. If you think they item is genuine but just want a second opinion, ask them to send you detailed photos of the codes and the product and ask the brand’s staff to check it out. And definitely avoid purchasing beauty products from countries outside the UK like China and Eastern Europe if you can’t be sure that it’s undergone the proper testing.
- Check the packaging! The packaging may be very good in replicating the real thing but look extremely carefully. Is a colour different? Or has a different font been used? Does the font vary in size? Once you know what you are looking for, you’ll be able to spot a fake a mile off.
- Compare the colours of the real product to the fake. You may notice that your favourite pink blusher is appears more of a peach blusher in your online bargain. This might sound “obvious” to some, but you’d be surprised how many fake Benefit Hoola blushers I’ve seen that don’t look very bronzy and look more peachy.
- Check the product codes and batch numbers. These are usually printed on the base of the box, all you need to do is check google as they will have lists of real codes for you to check them against.
- Finally, legitimate brands rarely sell their goods are really low prices. Yes they have a few offers but never over 50% off, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. So if you see your favourite MAC eyeliner going for only £3.50 buy it now when they usually retail for £14, and it’s not a recognised stockist - then just avoid avoid avoid!
Being honest, I found it extremely worrying how similar the fake MAC lipstick was to the real thing. I even asked my fiancé to compare and he didn’t know the difference. He actually thought the fake MAC lipstick was the real thing as the font and coding on the base of the product was bigger and clearer – tell-tale sign ladies – and he thought the packaging was really clear and convincing.
Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Left: Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" // Right: Genuine MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Left: Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" // Right: Genuine MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Left: Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" // Right: Genuine MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Left: Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" // Right: Genuine MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Left: Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" // Right: Genuine MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Left: Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" // Right: Genuine MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" |
Fake MAC Lipstick "Lady Danger" - Real MAC lipstick cases don't fit on fake MAC lipsticks. |
Most of us know that MAC have a signature scent of their lippies - that oh so dreamy but oh so subtle vanilla scent – that makes you want to keep applying the lipstick all day (damn you MAC and your savvy marketing techniques), so it’s pretty obvious that the first thing I thought was “eww it smells odd”. Just imagine finding last year’s favourite lipstick that has now gone a little manky and now smells a little rank. Yup that’s how it smelt.
The packaging was bloody good if I do say so myself - although not entirely fool proof – as it had all the “ingredients” listed, the printing, the codes and even the back to MAC printed on the inside of the box. Woah. However I don’t think you’d get away with using these for your B2M claim so I wouldn’t even try it. The actual lipstick packaging was a little darker than your normal MAC lipstick, the silver tube lining was a little too silver in comparison and you couldn’t use a real MAC lipstick lid on a fake (or visa versa), whereas for real MAC lipsticks it doesn’t matter what lid goes on which. Random I know but there’s a little trick for you.
For the actual product, it’s pretty darn hard to tell, but I can notice the difference in colour. The real lipstick is actually a matte lipstick, yet the fake appears to have an ever so slightly creamy finish (a little like their satin lipsticks) and as you can see from the swatch, it is a really close match. It’s hard to describe and review a fake when I refuse to use it on my face - maybe I shouldn’t have used it on my hand either? - never mind as write about it but I am hoping you get the gist of what I mean.
In general, I am quite surprised at how easy it is to pick up a fake. All I had to do is type MAC lipstick in on eBay and hundreds came up – shame on you eBay – and they are also available to purchase on Amazon, Depop and even social media sites like IG, Facebook & Twitter. Considering the major health risks and the information that the police, border force peoples (uhuh, peoples with an ‘s’) and health professionals have discussed and shared, you’d think that most of these companies would try harder to stop these naughty fakes being so easy to purchase and also help people to become more knowledgeable to know not to purchase that “MAC lipstick” – that’s a super cheap price at only £6 - from your neighbour.
Unless you want to have a serious reaction - and look like something out of the hills have eyes movie – then the final thing I have to say is avoid using fake beauty products at all costs! This includes make-up, nail polishes, make-up removers, creams, body lotions, moisturisers and even perfumes. There are so many high street brands that have beauty products that are tested properly, affordable and are overall pretty darn good products. So just use your noggin, pretty please :)
Have you accidentally bought a fake beauty product? Do you have any tips or would like to share your experiences?
*Disclaimer: Factual information has been sourced from numerous newspaper articles including The Guardian, Daily Mail and the Independent and has been re-written into my own words. Factual information has been marked with an asterix. I have not been sponsored or received a gift to write this post.