How to get Instagram Famous

by - Saturday, January 16, 2016

If you already follow me on Instagram I bet you are thinking, hello you are not Instagram famous. And it’s true, I am not. Although I have around 1,600 followers, in comparison to many users of Instagram that’s not a lot (and that’s not saying I don’t appreciate each and every one of you, because I do ) Social Media is such an important part of the blogging world now, with the competition forever increasing it’s almost hard to get yourself noticed across sites. I am in no way, shape or form an expert on “gaining” followers on Instagram especially considering my followers have only started increasing this year, but I’d like to think I have a steady following and I’ve learnt a few tricks of the trade that have upped’ my numbers recently.   
Sharing your Instagram photos across Social Media sites will help drive traffic to your Instagram page and will help get you noticed. Did you know that when uploading a photo you can automatically post to your Facebook and Twitter accounts? I also share my Instagram photos on Pinterest and pin them to boards that I think match the style of the photo. All of this will help drive traffic. It’s also important to not spam your Instagram with your latest blog posts, sometimes it works if the photo is relevant, but people use Instagram for pretty photos not for a photo of your latest blog post – especially because Instagram doesn’t let you click on links in comments etc. Instead, use Twitter and Facebook for sharing links and keep your IG filled with pretty photos.
I admit, my theme comes and goes. Sometimes I have a theme of pretty minimalist photos and cute quotes and the next I am posting photos of food or my dog. However, admittedly I know that IG themes are the “in thing” and you are more likely to get traffic to your page if you do have a theme. Some of my favourite accounts with pretty themes are Lydia Elise MillenVelvetGh0stKate Lavie (previously Gh0stParties), and Coco Chic. When I post a cluster of photos that are within the same theme, my likes and followers automatically increase. Finding a theme that will suit your style and personality may take a while, but once you’ve found it. Stick to it! Although it’s not hundreds of new followers after each post, it’s a steady traffic of real followers. That’s all you need.
How are you going to get yourself noticed if you don’t put yourself out there? If you don’t follow people, like photos or comment on photos then how will you get people to see your account? I am forever searching through accounts of people who follow me or like my photos, I end up coming across some amazing accounts. Regardless, I always try and return a like so I am giving some love back. I also follow lots of people back, I just don’t follow the spammy accounts or pages that are trying to promote products like Juice Plus or Younique – just no.
Is there really a right time to post on Instagram? Well technically no, but at the same time, yes. I have been “testing the water” when to post photos, sometimes I’ll post when I am having my morning coffee around 7am, sometimes I’ll post when I get to work at 8:45/9am and sometimes I’ll have a play and post throughout the day. Weirdly enough, there are actually certain times when posting on Instagram gets the most traffic, is it because everyone wakes up and steams IG with their morning cuppa? Maybe, but whatever it is I find the best times (BST) are 7-7:30am, around 12:30pm and around 10pm at night. I don’t know why but I just find my posts seem to flood with likes and my followers increase when posting around these times. This isn’t to say that posting at these times will gain you hundreds or thousands of followers, but test the waters and see what works for your account.
#HashTagging on Instagram became a hot controversial topic, some people find it annoying, some people spam (e.g. #follow4follow #f4f #20likes) but some people use it because it’s good marketing. Hash tags have taken over Social Media, it all started with Twitter when #PeopleUsedToHashTagAWholeSentanceBecauseTheyAreCool and then Instagram included tags, and now even Facebook is on it. Hash tagging is a great marketing tool, especially for us bloggers to get our posts and pictures noticed but please use them properly. I always use a variety of hash tags in a separate comment so it doesn’t look spammy, and I use tags relevant to the post. For example I’ll use the appropriate blogging chat tags as these are active on IG and I’ll also use words relating to the post e.g. Fashion, Make-Up, MAC, Beauty etc.
Pretty please, have some self-respect and don’t buy followers. It won’t get you more followers, it won’t get you freebies, it won’t get you noticed by top brands as people ain’t stupid. People are actually paying lots of money to pay some bloke in Asia to create 1,000 spam accounts to then “follow” you. Really? You are worth more, and your account is better than having fake numbers following you. Because that’s all it is, a number not a follower. I love receiving a notification saying that I have a new follower, because I enjoy knowing that the person on the end of the account wants to follow my page, because they like it for whatever reason. People will follow you because they like your personality, style or your Instagram page. Just go with the flow.
Nobody likes fake, show-offy people who only post things to brag and are mean. Obviously it’s hard to tell the type of person you are from a Social Media account so try be yourself. Post things about what you like not what you think should be posted. Be kind. Show your personality. Whatever your niche or style, express yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s not within the current “theme” trend (like the minimalist and flaylay theme that’s about) just do what you like, if you like something then there will be others who like that style too.  

Engage with your followers and other Instagram users. And I don’t mean just share the love by returning likes or follows but engage with people. Like a photo, but leave a comment too saying what you like. Communicate with the person at the end of the account. Search for new accounts and follow them and like their photos, it’s a great way to get you noticed and to get people to want to follow you too.

 What tips do you have to gain new traffic? Will you be trying any of my techniques? And most importantly, if you’re not already following then head over to Instagram and follow me @xcewblog :-) I promise I don’t bite! And if you do, remember to leave your link in the comment box so I can make sure I follow you back! 

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